Pierre Kembel K9 equation



I train dogs by directing the behaviour towards desired goals in tracking, obedience, and protection work. My philosophy is inspired, among others, by Ivan Pavlov and B.F. Skinner. My clients are both service dogs and sport dogs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I welcome both privat persons, groups, and service teams. And offer both whole education program as below, and privat lessons to solve specific problems.


Basic training for behaviour in obedience. I call it kindergarten training. A concise system to build a strong foundation for communication and obedience behaviour. The method is inspired by Pavlov and Skinner and consists of both positive and negative reinforcement.


This course is a continuation of kindergarten. You work here with fundamental behaviour in a more advanced way. The education let you move forward to higher levels of search/tracking, obedience, and protection work.


Here you work towards specific goals in service or sport. The result should be strong and durable to work well in the desired situation. A dog who can function in competition in IGP, “Svenskbruks” and Belgium ring/Ring sports. Or Service dogs; Police, Rescue and Patrol, etc.  

Vänliga hälsningar


© Photo: Henrik Grune, all rights reserved


I live in Strängnäs near Stockholm with my partner and our lovely daughter.

My whole life I have lived and breathed dogs. I became a competition helper in the early 90s and a judge IGP/Schutzhund in 1999. I have competed with several dogs in different disciplines. Everything from rapport, over IGP and Schutzhund to the Belgian ring in recent years. My breeds are German Shepherds and Malinois.


I compete at elite level, in championships, both nationally and internationally, and WM. As the only Swedish and foreign citizen, I have qualified my dog ​​for the Belgian ring 2022. In addition, I trained my dog ​​all by myself.



"I have been working with dogs since 2006 and professionally since 2008. Around that time I also became interested in IGP. Pierre and I have trained together regularly during the years, and I’ve also attended several of his seminars during the years.

My experience of Pierre as a teacher is that he challenge you as dog handler to think independently, to try new thoughts, and develop yourself. And he’s always honest. I’m no longer afraid to make mistakes. I see things with different eyes. Pierre has worked more with me, than with my dogs.”

Jessica Oskarsson professional dog handler

“I have been in dog sport my whole life, and always in ring sports. I met Pierre some years ago in Belgium, when he visited Bart and Michael Bellon. He came to look at the training and we started to talk. Later he invited me to teach him in Sweden. For me it was both fun and interesting. I like Pierre’s way of thinking a lot. He dare to make decisions, and he can think in black and white, crystal clear  with no excuses. For me a good trainer can build a dog from zero, add conflicts later and really work them through. And be able to train all types of dogs.

I want to add, that I hope we can keep the dog sports like the old trainers invented them, and the dogs strong. Off course with modern training methods.”

Hans Verbruggen

well known professional dog handler

"I have been active in dog sport since 2003 and competed both national and international. Pierre have had several seminars in Norway, which I have attended. We have also frequently trained together in Sweden.

Pierre is genuinely interested in the ethology of dogs. He is very good at making you as a dog handler to read the dog, and what you have to do to reinforce the desirable behaviour. He has really inspired me to focus not only at technique, but more on behaviour.  Thanks to Pierre's way of taking me out of my comfort zone, I today dare to challenge myself to become a better dog handler.”

Anita G Karlsen

private dog handler

Chris Berensmann

Head of K9 dog training Department in Germany Berlin

Dogs kicked into my life when I was 16, and I got my first own at 20. Since then I’ve trained Schutzhund dog sport. I’m a police officer and in duty of the law enforcement since 1978. In 1986 I completed the special K9 school in order to be a K9 dog handler for the police.

Since 1988 I have been working for the law enforcement dog school in Germany Berlin. The range of my responsibility is wide and includs the training of all different kind of law enforcement dogs and their handlers. Man trailer dogs, cadaver dogs, explosive dogs, narcotic dogs, protection dogs and also dogs for the German Special Weapon Attack Teams. After many years I made it to the leader of the K9 dog training Department in Germany Berlin.

In my opinion a dog trainer should have a big skill of empathy for dogs. To be calm and fare is important to create the best learning atmosphere as possible, for both dog and handler. I met Pierre a few years ago on a RSV2000 training seminar in Hann. Münden, Germany. This event appears every year in the headquarter of the Club under the control of Dr Helmut Raiser.

First of all Pierre is a very nice human being with an awesome good character. He is always willing to share his knowledge and experience with everybody else. Even before a competition he would help his biggest concurrent to find solutions for problems in dog training. In these times this is very rare because lots of handlers and trainers are very selfish. For Pierre, the friendship within a club is a very important thing and second to none.

Pierre has tremendous knowledge about dog training and big time experience as a handler as well. He is always willing to learn more new stuff, and to adjust his training program. The last few years he got interested in Ring sport, which is very difficult to practice. He became so good that he could compete even in Belgium, and with outstanding results. This proofs his awesome dog training skills and his patience for the field of dog training in general.

I think dog training is one of the best hobbies you can have in your free time. But a dog is more than just a hobby. A dog deserve to be treated fair. At no time you should put your own goals in front of the dogs needings.”